Was macht eigentlich ein Fremdsprachenassistent?
Wir freuen uns sehr auch in diesem Schuljahr wieder einen Fremdsprachenassistent bei uns zu haben! Lawrence Spafford aus Leeds unterstützt uns im Fach Englisch. Für die Schüler*innen ist es ein Glücksfall regelmäßig mit einem „Native Speaker“ in Kontakt zu kommen. So entsteht ein ganz natürlicher Zugang zur Sprache, der weit über Schulbuch-Wissen hinaus geht. Lawrence stellt sich hier im Interview vor. Auf Englisch natürlich, so gibt es gleich etwas zu lernen.
How old are you and where are you from?
I’m 23, and from Leeds – a culturally vibrant post-industrial city in the North of England.
Which university do you attend and which subject are you studying?
I studied Philosophy at the University of Birmingham with an Erasmus year in Oslo, where I was excited to get the opportunity to explore other subjects, such as Anthropology, Art History, and Media Studies. Since then I have worked as a tutor and teaching assistant in Leeds schools, including as an English-as-an-Additional-Language tutor, supporting pupils who migrate to the UK.
Do you speak German?
I studied German for a few years in secondary school, and have tried to keep it up since, although I’ve got a lot yet to learn. It’s a challenge, but I’ve really enjoyed practicing it more since I’ve been here – I feel, as well, that it gives me a good perspective on what it’s like for pupils who are learning English.
What exactly do you do at our school? Can you give examples?
I have a timetable of lessons throughout the week, in which I help out as an English Language Assistant. So far in each lesson, I’ve been working with the class teacher to assist pupils of all ages with their English learning, leading exercises and sharing insider experience of UK-culture and the English language. Alongside this, I also host pupils in my Dalton room, where they can practice English conversational skills when they’ve finished their Dalton tasks. A highlight of my week is Friday afternoon, when I help out with the NEG’s fabulous English Theatre Group.
How have you experienced your time in Germany and at our school so far?
I’ve really enjoyed my time in Germany so far! It’s been great exploring the Rhine-Ruhr area, making friends with my German WG-mates, and getting more involved with the school life of the NEG. I was happy to learn that I could join in with the school’s Schule ohne Rassismus and Badminton AGs, and even attend a philosophy lesson with the NEG pupils. I’m excited for the rest of the year!
How long will you be at our school?
I’ll be with the NEG until the end of May 2023.